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A LGC Consultoria is a consolidated company in the market with excellent professionals at its disposal with advisory and consultancy services. After a diagnosis, when its founder was still working in Public Administration, the need for private companies, which concentrate part of your sales/services in tenders, in having a company in the market that could meet your desires in terms of efficiency throughout the bidding process, and that is where we emerged to facilitate, train, provide productivity and efficiency at the time of your hiring, not only increasing your sales and hiring but also giving them more quality.

Douglas Aleff
Founder and Director

Graduated from Universidade Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR in Management Processes, Postgraduate in Public Management, Law Academic, Auctioneer Qualified by Instituto Licitar. He worked as Tender Process Manager and Chief of Staff at the Public Works Department of the Municipality of Campo Grande, MS. He began his career with tenders seven years ago when he was already contracting with the public administration and working in construction companies as a contract manager and representative in tenders.

Além da minha sólida expertise técnica, sou movido por valores como lealdade, compromisso absoluto com o sucesso e uma responsabilidade inabalável em cada projeto. Minha dedicação é focada em garantir resultados de alto impacto e soluções sustentáveis que realmente fazem a diferença no desempenho dos meus clientes. Acredito que o sucesso não é apenas sobre conhecimento, mas sobre fazer acontecer com ética, confiança e excelência.

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